Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A discussion on game controller interfaces

This week’s blog post is going to be a talk about gaming interfaces; the past, present, and the future. The post builds off of Dr. Nacke’s lecture found here. So without further ado let’s start!

Gaming interfaces have gone a long way. They are also one of the most important components of a game as it is the fundamental way in which we communicate with our game. Those of us who were around back in the 70s will remember this:

 (Image from Atari Museum)

That’s not to say those who weren’t around don’t know what this is, but Pong was one of the first arcade games that had mainstream popularity. I’d go with talking about the Computer Space arcade machine from the 1970, but I’m not sure how familiar people are with this:

 (Image from Atari Museum)
Although Pong wasn’t the first video game nor was it the first arcade machine made available, it was however the first one to be successful. Why? Probably because of the fact that it was 2 players and was seen as something that would have been innovative back then. Rather than using buttons like the Computer Space, Pong featured two dials, which users would turn in order to move up or down.
From there, arcade games went into a golden age of sorts. We’ve seen several innovations such as using a ball (Centipede) to joystick and buttons. Each of these arcade machines had something new to offer: some of them would feature color, some would allow the user to move in many directions, and some would feature scrolling.

As Kevin Saunders and Jeannie Novak mentions in their book ‘GameInterface Design’, arcades saw many different types of interfaces; most of these interfaces were designed for a single specific game and wouldn’t work well with other arcade games. Although the trackball from Centipede never really caught on, the game itself was successful partly because of the controller. I imagine that trying to play the same game with a joystick or dials may be a bit awkward and ruin the overall experience.
Eventually arcades started phasing out and in came consoles. Console gaming has brought many innovations to controllers and has fundamentally changed the way we interact with our games over the decades. However, the question is, are we REALLY still innovating today? To provide an example, let’s consider Nintendo’s Virtual Boy or the Famicom 3D System. The Famicom was released in the 80s, followed by the Virtual Boy in the 90s. Both of these systems offered 3D gaming but neither one of them was successful in the market. 3D gaming was relatively new when those consoles were released and could be seen as innovative for its time. Why did they fail? Personally, I’m not sure. I wasn’t around back then. However, a simple Google search did reveal that it was heavy and used up a lot of batteries. On top of that, the technology was still new and not yet fully developed. In the end, it was probably the high price of the console that drove customers away from buying one to try it out. No matter what the reason, Nintendo is at it again with its 3DS portable gaming system, and it seems to be holding its own after a price drop.

In the past couple of years, we’ve seen a new type of interface that has brought us a bit closer to our games: touch screens. Ever since the introduction of Apple’s iPhone, consumers have seen an explosion in the number of touch screen devices, and, with that, an explosion in the number of games for these platforms. It seems as if we’re at a fork in the road these days. On one side, we have more traditional gaming consoles like Sony’s Playstation 3 or Microsoft’s Xbox 360. On the other, we have systems such as Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy series of devices. 

I’m not going to say that one type of interface is better over another for many reasons. In my opinion, each interface has its own purpose and they all have or had games that took advantage of the controller. For example: Call of Duty would make sense with a “traditional” controller similar to what the Sony and Microsoft currently use; at the same time, using a controller such as Nintendo’s WiiMote can prove difficult. That’s not to say that it has no use; as a game such as Wii Sports works really well with the WiiMote and doesn’t work well with a Playstation or Xbox controller. I believe that we’re at a point where we’re not exactly innovating in controller interfaces anymore. We’re really just creating games and then controllers or add-ons that work well with these games. For all other games, console makers have something that works well for them, and I really don’t see them doing anything radical in the near future. There are of course people out there who argue that the current generation of gaming consoles may be the last. As we move into the future, they believe we will see more cloud based solutions and smaller and more powerful devices that can handle even resource intensive games. As with any argument, there are always two sides. There’s always the side that argues that there will always be people who prefer “traditional” gaming. They want to go home after a long day at work/school, sit on the couch, and be able to enjoy their favourite game from there; no getting up and moving around required.

Currently, there are people and companies out there that are experimenting with new types of controllers. We’re seeing things such as: VR gloves, eye tracking, and even tongue controllers. As ridiculous as some of these may sound right now, who knows what the future holds… We may see tongue controllers being the new thing a decade from now once we start seeing games that make use of such a controller. My point here is that we’ve done a lot of experimenting in the past and we’re still experimenting. Sometimes we have ideas that are simply just too far ahead of its time, as in the case with 3D gaming. Maybe once the technology becomes cheaper and has been developed more, we will see some of these new types of interfaces widely available on the market.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Re-thinking the game interface

In my last post I discussed my new poker game as well as the interface design I currently have. This blog post will expand on that, discussing some of the cons with my current design.

From professor Lennart Nacke's 'What is HCI' video lecture, there are 5 evaluation criteria to determine the usability of the interface. They are: time to learn, speed of performance, rate of errors by users, retention over time, and subjective satisfaction. Last week I talked about the reasons outlining why I believed it was a good design. After doing some surveys and asking a few people, it turns out that my design might not be as simple as I thought it was. Based on the feedback I've been getting, I believe the problem lies within the complexity of the game itself. People who have zero poker experience may have a difficult time with this game. They must learn how to play poker as well as having a grasp on the concept of using cheats in the game.

I also noticed the lack of words or instructions on the screen. For example, the user needs to tap on the poker chips in order to place bets; however, not many people knew that and simply thought the poker chips was just an image. The game currently relies heavily on the iDevice's gyroscope and accelerometer for interaction. As a result, it allows the user interface to be more clean and uncluttered. Although it is a good thing that the interface isn't filled with buttons and text, I think the interface has been over simplified to the point where new users are unable to figure out on their own what the heck they are supposed to do.

In the games industry, we've gone a long way and have seen a lot of different innovative interfaces over the years. From the first dials on Pong machines up to Nintendo's Wiimote, there have been many successful interfaces and just as many forgettable interfaces. The lecture on the history of game interfaces is found here.Apple's iPhone introduced a whole new interface when it was first launched, and touch screen games have been on the rise ever since.

Having stumbled upon a blog post for designing touch interfaces, the blog has given me some ideas on how to go about fixing up my game's interface. The new interface is currently a work in progress, so unfortunately I don't have a picture of that yet available. To give an idea, I think the buttons on screen need to have some words to supplement it and also look more like a button. Providing the player with more visual cues as to what each item does could go a long way in helping make the game more memorable at the end of the day.

Doing some surveys and getting negative feedback was a good thing for me. Quoting professor Nacke in his second lecture, "fail fast, so you can succeed sooner". As I tried to survey people that I believe would be likely to play the game once it was available, their feedback is very important. If they can't look at an image of the interface and have an idea of what the game is in the first few seconds, then I believe I still have work to do.

The second problem I've ran into is with the user interface on the iPad for a multiplayer game. How can I get the interface to work for everyone who is playing the game? Assuming there are people sitting all around the iPad, there will be a couple of people constantly looking at the iPad upside down when they try to look at information about other players. For those that missed this in my previous post, I was hoping to take advantage of the iPad's bigger screen. In a multiplayer game where everyone is close to each other, the iPad would serve as the table and everyone would see on their iPhone or iPod only their current hand and their available cheats. This idea was borrowed from the iPad version of EA's Scrabble app. To see an example of this in action, check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR8AB5rJn6I

At the moment, I think players will only have a problem when they try to look at the number of chips another player has. As for the cards themselves, they will not pose a big problem as they could be looked at from any way and they would be identifiable (assuming my art skills are okay). My current proposed solution to this is to put this information on each individual's iPhone or iPod. This information could be integrated or a button could be created to take players to a separate screen that will show this information. 

Although I've been told many times that this game idea has already been done, there hasn't been anything quite like this on mobile devices yet. These days, it's hard for a starving student to have wildly successful, multi-million dollar games that are an original idea, AND have the resources necessary to develop the game and release it all on their own. This project is being done as I thought that although the game was slightly below average in terms of interface design and the human-computer interactions in it, it could have been done better; so I'm going to prove it. Touch devices have provided us with a new means of interacting with our gaming devices, and I believe that this game will showcase all of these innovative ideas with an entertaining game that will remain memorable for years after its release (and hopefully in a good way).

Over the next couple of weeks I will probably repeat the process of designing an interface, asking for feedback, and making some changes. Once I get an interface that gets some positive feedback, I will begin implementing the first prototype of the game. I will continue to provide updates and welcome any and all feedback. Unfortunately it's a bit hard to constantly provide prototypes of a mobile game for my readers to try out, so I will have to stick to posting pictures and video updates once the game starts taking shape.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

User Interfaces & My New Poker Game

To kick off this blog post, I will start by talking about my new game that I am working on. As the title hints, it is going to be a mobile poker game. This project fits in nicely with a lot of my courses this semester and I will be talking about this game as well as how it relates to those courses in the following months to come.

The poker game I am working on is basically texas hold em but with a twist: you must cheat in order to win! I'll admit that I'm not the first to this idea here. Some of you may know a very similar game titled "Texas Cheat 'Em". I haven't seen anything similar yet on iOS devices, and I thought it would be nice to see a game like that. The original idea was to make a plain old poker game; but with focus on multiplayer features. It was going to be focused on allowing several friends to get together and be able to play poker on their phones with each other without the need for a deck of cards and chips.

I may be getting a bit too far ahead here when I say this, but I am looking to possibly keep that multiplayer feature on top of the cheating factor of this game into it. I'm not sure how well or if it will even work out well. Just tossing it out there.

The game itself will be rather simple. In a typical offline game, the user will start by selecting 3 cheats. Cheats will include things such as: stealing another players chips, swapping cards with a random one from the deck, or changing community cards. I may make the entire list of cheats available in the future, but I won't for now.

Continuing onto the second portion of this post, I'm going to talk about the human-computer interaction of the game. It is based on the content discussed by professor Lennart Nacke in his video lecture found here.

When I started designing the game (and I'm still designing it now), I thought a lot about Scrabble for iOS. One feature I really loved was that for people with multiple iPods / iPhones and an iPad, the iPad can be turned into a board; which made the game more fun. I won't talk too much about that, but for those interested, you can find some more information here. I for one think it's an innovative way to make use of the iPad and think it could work out as well for my poker game. The iPad could serve as the table to display the community cards and other information while players' individual hands are displayed on their iPhones and iPods. Doing so could allow me to take advantage of some of the sensors on those devices. For example, the player could double-tap the screen to check; or they could do a flicking motion with the phone to fold.

After going through the video lecture, I've started thinking about how user-friendly the game would be. To be honest I'm not entirely sure it will even be user friendly. Although the game is basically texas hold em, and it is likely most people already know the rules, I'm not sure whether or not some of the phone motions will be easy to use and meaningful. I will probably try some of these motions in an early prototype in order to see whether or not they work out. Keep reading and I'll be sure to talk about that once I've done some testing on that.

When considering the 5 factors of usability, I think the game meets most of these evaluation criteria or will not have a hard time meeting them.

1. Time to Learn: Most people have played texas hold em already and are familiar with the rules. Those that aren't can always go online and easily find loads of resources and rules (not that I won't be providing instructions in game). The cheating component is not as complex as in Texas Cheat 'Em, where there were mini-games that served as challenges to determine whether or not the player was successful in cheating. Given the iPhone and iPod's small screen size, I think doing so will ruin the overall experience of the game. I've decided to keep it simple. The players' 3 chosen cheats are displayed on screen, and the players are able to tap a button and use their cheat when it is their turn. Below is a rough image to show what I am talking about:

2. Speed of Performance: I imagine that for many people their first couple of games might take a while as they are still trying to grab onto the ropes and learn how the game works. Once they understand how poker works and how the cheating element works, they simply select their cheat on the right side; no mini-game required.

3. Rate of Errors: As with many games, there are always situations where users are making mistakes and input the wrong action. Whether it is selecting the wrong cheat or not making the right call for the hand (fold, bet, check, raise, etc.) because the device did not register their action correctly, only time will tell. I will need to do some more testing on this in order to know what and where users are making their errors and how I can make the game better.

4. User Retention: Given that the game is fairly simple to pick up and play (assuming the player has a good grasp of the basic rules of poker), I believe the cheating element is what will be keeping the players coming back for more. Most often we see poker games that focus on social features or having a very realistic gambling experience and what not, but again, there really hasn't been anything quite like this for mobile devices yet.

5. User satisfaction: As the game will be available on the app store, I will most likely take advantage of the reviews people are putting there, along with online reviews, as well as adding an in-game feature to contact me to give feedback on the game. These will give me the information I need to know about whether or not I did my job right and made a fun game. Until then this blog and any comments I get will be the point-of-interaction I have with potential players for this game.

As for the game's usability, I imagine that players of all ages shouldn't have major issues with the game. Although it may take a while to understand the game and how it works, I think I've kept the game simple by having the cheat buttons available on the side so that they are readily available. I am trying to keep the interface as clean as possible so that every element on the screen makes sense and has a meaningful purpose for being on the screen. The only thing I am uncertain of again, is the user motions.  Users will have to go through the instructions to learn them all, however, I will strive to make those motions meaningful so that users don't need to constantly go back and review what the gestures and motions are because they forgot.

Over the next couple of weeks I will be finishing up the design document for this game. Hopefully I will be able to get a prototype up and running quickly so that I can use that to test out features and do some usability testing. In the meantime, feel free to give me suggestions or comments about what you think.