Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22 Update

For this week, the game that I played was Flywrench. This was one of the games I was supposed to play for last week’s review but never had the chance to get to. I find this a weird but simple and fun to play game. Playing as the flywrench, the player must “flap” their way through the stage and make it to the end. Tutorials were brilliantly incorporated into the game as they taught the player what they needed to know before they entered the planet. Each planet will basically have that obstacle along with any previously encountered obstacles, which, makes it pretty challenging by the time the player is close to finishing the game. The rules are also very simple, the player must change into the appropriate color to pass through barriers, if that color is not available, then it must be avoided. The only part I wasn’t too happy about was the sound. The sounds do fit in with the theme to some degree but probably would have been better without all the extra weirdness put into it.
As for the GDW update, I’ve started working on some of the documents and reports that will have to be submitted with the game. For the week, I’ve been able to finish a large part of the pitch and internal cost analysis. As for the particle system, I’m tweaking it here and there while bugging the art department for images I can use for the particles. My goal is to have them look more like sparks or smoke since they will be necessary in the game. At the moment there, the particles look and behave like water coming from a water fountain (unfortunately I still haven’t made some time to go in, grab the screenshot, and upload it).

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