Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Progress Update

An update on what I’m currently working on for the GDW game. There has been some progress on the particle engine. The engine currently compiles and seems like it works...until you start firing the bullets. The problem with it right now is that a circle (the bullet) is drawn and it just flashes on and off once per click. Hopefully this will be solved by next week. Besides the particle engine, the requirements for the game pitch has also been defined and worked out and are now part of the commitment/development plan to be submitted for milestone 1. Here's a short video that shows whats happening right now:

One game I’ve played this week was ‘The Endless Tower’ (http://www.addictinggames.com/endless-tower-game.html) This game isn’t too bad once you figure out all the mini games. Figuring them out might be a bit of a challenge since the game does not provide any useful instructions. The ones given in game for the mini game are brief and sometimes force you to figure it out. To make it worse, each level is timed, which means you probably won’t get enough time to figure it out AND do what you’re supposed to do. The music does not really have ups or downs and feels like it’s kind of “just there”, although it does get old since it never changes and the pace also stays the same throughout the entire game. To sum it up, Endless Tower seems like a “rushed” clone of Nintendo’s Wario Ware. The game could be a lot better if there were more sounds and varieties in the mini games.
 Below is a short gameplay video from youube:

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