Wednesday, April 13, 2011

THE END! of gdw

The version of the game that will be for marks has already been submitted..........2.5 hours late. During this last week everyone gave it that final push in order to make the game even better. Unfortunately, there are still components missing from it that would make it feel more completed. Although any new features won't make it in for marks, the team is still going to continue working on the game adding bits and pieces to it before the presentation on Friday.

Most of this week for me has been filled with writing, writing, and more writing (along with some sound recording). The people originally working on the documents fell behind and a lot of people from the team ended up having to stop what they were doing and help with some of the documents. With the sound recordings, I helped record a few sounds for what is supposed to be "asian mode", although I'm not too sure on whether or not this mode actually made it into the submitted version of the game.

 Again, I haven't had the chance to play games this week. On the + side, now that the game is "done" with and there's no pressure to rush in order to add anything into the game, I will definitely take some time off during the week and play a few games :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 5th Post

Time for another weekly update :D. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to play games this week since I’ve been busy programming for the game. I’ve been working on adding in new sounds that the sound department has given me throughout the week. Also, I’ve been working at adding them with the master copy thinking the game would be due. On the + side, the game due date has been extended for another week, which gives us more time to add to the game. On the other hand, it’s also a bit frustrating to find out last minute that you get more time since everyone’s been pulling all nighters to try and get the game finished.
One thing I did get to do was go to the Level Up event in Toronto and got a chance to try out some student games. I have to say, all of the games were very fun to play and my personal favourite was Figure of Breach. It was fun to play but would’ve been better if there were more shapes since it was very easy to see repeat shapes. I certainly would have loved to participate but the notice was really last minute and we didn’t have enough time to get the game to a level where we felt confident it would get us great reviews.
Currently, I am helping with the menu, HUD, and collision boxes. Once these are done, I will most likely stop programming for a day or two and help out with the business pitch and other reports required by the other profs.
Overall, I am a bit unsatisfied with the current progress of the game. I think if we did a bit more planning and everyone worked a bit harder we could be a bit further ahead. However, these last few days have been very productive since everyone thought the game would be due. Here’s a screenshot of what the game currently looks like: