Wednesday, April 13, 2011

THE END! of gdw

The version of the game that will be for marks has already been submitted..........2.5 hours late. During this last week everyone gave it that final push in order to make the game even better. Unfortunately, there are still components missing from it that would make it feel more completed. Although any new features won't make it in for marks, the team is still going to continue working on the game adding bits and pieces to it before the presentation on Friday.

Most of this week for me has been filled with writing, writing, and more writing (along with some sound recording). The people originally working on the documents fell behind and a lot of people from the team ended up having to stop what they were doing and help with some of the documents. With the sound recordings, I helped record a few sounds for what is supposed to be "asian mode", although I'm not too sure on whether or not this mode actually made it into the submitted version of the game.

 Again, I haven't had the chance to play games this week. On the + side, now that the game is "done" with and there's no pressure to rush in order to add anything into the game, I will definitely take some time off during the week and play a few games :D

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