Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Modeling with a broken laptop?

So after getting a pile of homework and midterms out of the way I have finally made time to do more modeling for our GDW game. Since other members are focusing on the characters right now I figured I would start working on the weapons models.....when suddenly...........BAM! I was hit with a hard drive failure! There goes months worth of hard work!

After getting a replacement laptop for the time being, I have started doing some modeling and here is a picture of my current work in progress:

The reference image along with the outline of the gun model

Here is the model by itself
Since the game is mainly about surviving hoards of robots one goal for all of the modelers is to keep them as low polys as possible. This gun is only at 26 polys right now so I am on the right track. Here are the other guns that will be modeled:

The assault rifle is for the assault character, and the sniper rifle will be for the sniper character (assuming we have the time to model and rig the character). The above pistol was for the medic.

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