Monday, February 6, 2012

Magic: The Gathering Cards and Unity Assignment

For the past week I've been working on the two game design assignments, one of which is the make 3 'Magic: The Gathering' cards and make sure they are balanced. Here are the cards I did for that assignment:

The balancing for 'Radiated Slime':
Benefit: 3 attack + 1 defense + 1 color bonus = 5 points
Cost: 1 baseline + 2 colored mana + 2 non-colored mana = 5 points

Here are the numbers for 'The Hooded Figure' card:
Benefit: 6 attack + 5 defense = 11 points
Cost: 1 baseline + 2 colored mana + 7 non-colored mana + 1 5+ mana cost = 11 points

And here are the numbers for 'The Lone Wolf':
Benefit: 2 attack + 4 defense = 6 points
Cost: 1 baseline + 2 colored mana + 3 non-colored mana = 6 points

The cards are above; as you can see, there is nothing special. There aren't any special effects and it is just a simple description of the creature in the cards. Balancing them was fairly easy and I just followed the instructions from the lectures. Benefit points are power + toughness + any color bonuses. Cost points are basically baseline + colored mana + non colored mana + any bonuses.

The second assignment was to remake a game in Unity. I chose to do 'Space Invaders' for this one. Below is a picture of what I have now:

It's a bit different from the original Space Invaders where the enemies are lined up and slowly moving down on you, but this remake works in a similar way. There is only one enemy coming at you at a time (the red sphere) and as the player (purple square), you have to shoot bullets and try to destroy the enemies. The blue shields are there to protect you and occasionally a ufo like object will fly across the screen and if the player can shoot it down it will provide extra points.

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