Saturday, March 10, 2012

Implementing RakNet and other updates

With the GDW code freeze date slowing creeping closer and closer, everybody is working hard and giving it the final push so we can have it finished and ready.

Since the group hasn't gotten anywhere yet with RakNet and implementing it into the game, I have started working on it so that this isn't left until the last minute. At first I ran into 100+ errors, my worst nightmare has come true! Solving them wasn't easy, but I started looking up other similar problems people had, and started putting the pieces together. What I thought would take me a week to figure out ended up taking only a day! Here's a picture to show that the networking portion is working:

I have 2 instances of the game and the client is able to connect to the server.

Right now I am working on dead reckoning. I have the basics of it going but I still need to test it and do some tweaking if necessary. It is important that we get the position and movement updates using the first order model since this will be worth 25% of our marks. Once this is up and running I will continue to work on implementing path planning and path interpolation.

In the sound area, we haven't started yet, which is another bad thing. However, I am working with some other team members to come up with a list of sounds we will need, and we are going to record all of the sounds and it should take only 1 or 2 days at most. Unfortunately we left sound to last minute last semester and didn't get a chance to incorporate it into the game, so we are going to get it done this week so that the programmers can put it into the game early on.

For modeling, I still need to fix up the gun models from, UV and possibly texture map them. On top of that, I will also be rigging 1 or 2 of the player models. Depending on how well I manage my time this upcoming week, I may be able to get all of this done by the end of the week. Hopefully this will be everything we need to finish the game so that after the code freeze milestone all we have left to do is polishing to make the game look better for the GameCon.

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