Monday, March 19, 2012

Progress Update

To start off I will talk about the design of enemy difficulties in our game. In our game, the waves of enemies will "level up" and get increasingly harder, eventually being too overpowered for the players to handle and cause the game to end. I have started spending more time looking into the numbers to determine if they are more balanced, as this will be important to the flow state of mind.

We want to make sure that our game is intrinsically motivating. We hope that the importance of working in a team is enough to motivate the player to try as hard as they can so that they won't let their teammates down. To create the feedback loop and give the player positive feedback, our game will have rewards (as covered in a previous lecture) such as giving them special abilities, or additional resources, more playing time, sparkle, etc. Again, hopefully the positive experiences they get from working together as a team will be enough to keep them trying their best. These are all related to the flow state of mind and covers some of the principles of learning.

In other updates, most of the sounds have been recorded already (~80% done). The remaining ones are the ones that we can't seem to nail yet as they don't have the desired effect when played back. We are looking on how to fix these problems and then re-record them.

For networking, the base has now been fully set up. The clients will connect to servers and send update packets whenever keys are pressed. I have tested this and have successfully received the position/movement update packets. All that is left now is making sure that our dead reckoning works properly.

For entrepreneurial finance, since the requirement was only a partial business plan, it has now been officially completed. All that is left is just editing or changes that anyone in the group may want to make between now and the due date.

Last, the model I was supposed to rig is nearly complete. I have ran into a few problems but they should be easy fixes and the entire thing should be fully done by the end of next week.

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