Monday, April 16, 2012

Game Over!

Another semester has now come and gone, and, with that being said, our game is now finished! Okay, so I sort of lied there :P The game is finished in the sense that we have submitted the game already so no matter what changes we make to it will not be graded now; with that in mind, that doesn't mean that we aren't free to go and keep working on it over the summer. Here is a trailer for our game:

Most of us probably aren't going to continue working on the game though (wildmagic is a terrible terrible terrible engine to work with in my opinion), and I think most of us are now stressing over final exams, and once that is done, most of us will probably enjoy the summer and take some time off to do something relaxing.

As for me, I will not be working on this game anymore. Instead, I will most likely be working on a new game over the summer/next year so that we can participate in the game con next year. And of course, now that blog posts are no longer mandatory this blog will probably be less updated until the next school year starts again.

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