Monday, April 9, 2012

Last Week!

With the GameCon coming up this week (Thursday), everybody is working hard to finish their parts so that they can be put into the game. For the most part everything is good and it is all coming together now. There are still bits and pieces missing and my biggest concern is still the networking portion of the game.

A lot of the networking stuff is there and works for the most part, but it seems everything is coming together so slowly that I can't predict whether or not we will be able to actually finish it on time. Of course since this is for marks not finishing this is not an option so I will be working really hard these next few days trying to finish the networking portion and make sure it integrates smoothly into the final game. It is rather unfortunate that I ended up being the only one to work on this for the most part so the end result will be rather far from what I originally had in mind when we planned the game earlier in January.

Other than that I will spend my time working on the postmortem for the group. This way, we can avoid writing this last minute where everybody is confused and scrambling to put the game together before the presentations. Doing the postmortem as well as planning for the presentation ahead of time is always a good idea.

Later this week (or early next week) I will post the end result of the game as well as some links to trailers and/or pictures and also possibly a release version of the game. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the game!

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