Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Work Pile Up!

My week has been and will continue to be filled with a pile up of assignments (mainly business). I've taken a huge chunk of my time this week working on business course assignments in order to make sure the group stays on top of things in this area as our current business lead has not been doing a very good job.

Looking at the project management assignment, I can say that our group is actually doing okay this year in terms of staying on schedule. Some of the things I had hoped would be done weren't really done but they're nothing major and I'm happy to report that everybody is doing what they are supposed to and we are currently on track when compared with the schedule originally created.

The remainder of my time (time not spent on business) has been spent on playing around with wildmagic and exploring everything it has to offer. This is for helping me with programming for our game, getting Dr. Hogue's assignments done, as well as preparing me for the midterm, which seems to be working out well. Below are some screenshots of what the homework assignment look like:

The first one is taught me some of the basics of working with wildmagic such as translating, zooming, and rotating, which have all been applied to a textured object. The second one is of a ball smashing into a wall of cubes/bricks and having knocked them down. After the workload dies down this week I'll be able to spend more time on programming some more stuff for our game. I'm currently considering spending more time on getting the xbox 360 controller to work with wildmagic but I guess that all depends on whether or not the team needs me to work on something else that is more important first.

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