Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weekly Update

With assignments slowly creeping up on me and piling up I now have to try to make the most out of this week as I may not be able to spend as much time as I hope to on programming. For programming I've continued to work on the particle system and it is almost complete. I only recently got my hands on the psd files for the particles so I will now be working on a tga loader to load them in. Once that is done, it should only be a matter of tweaking the numbers in order to get the particles move properly and as desired.

On the business side of things, some other team members and I have managed to complete what is hopefully the last assignment for the course. Hopefully, we are correct and with business out of the way, I can spend that time focusing on programming the game.

Having had some small meetings with other members in the team, it seems everybody in each department is making good progress, although the amount of work required to finish the game is still significant with some members wondering whether or not the game will truly be "complete" within a few weeks. As for me, I don't think the game will truly appear "finished" in December. It will probably look like a game in it's beta phase and hopefully we will get to continue to work on this over the next semester and the final result will be a fun game.

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