Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Weekly Update

So for this past week I have been working on getting the game in release mode, particle systems, and joints in maya.

I have been able to get the game in release mode, so it is safe to say that we will be able to build our game in release mode for the final submission.

The particle systems however, is proving to be a bit troublesome and although the game is compiling and running without errors, nothing shows on the screen and I am working to solve that problem.

Up until recently, I didn't know that it was a requirement for the model to be in the final game, and now that I recently found out, I had to take some time out to fix up the model and work on the assignment. Here is a picture of what it looks like now:

I will be spending most of this next week working on the model in order to finish it in time for the assignment due date as well as in time to get it into the game.

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