Wednesday, March 30, 2011


With only a few days remaining until the project due date, everyone in the group is busier than ever (especially the programmers). The group had a lot planned for the game but the delay we had with the art side means the programming side has fell behind as well. The basic course requirements are almost done and we’re not too worried about not being able to meet them on time. The biggest problem is probably with getting all the other stuff we had planned together. I’m sure the game will turn out great even if worse comes to worse and we can’t get everything in there for the submission due date.
I’ve been busy getting the audio to work, fixing up the particle system, adding what happens when cars die, menu, and HUD. One of the programmers has been having trouble and so his work has been put onto my plate unfortunately.
During the week I’ve spent some time playing the game ‘Punishment’. I have to say, that game is VERY punishing. Having to run back to the beginning at the start of every level and then make it back can get frustrating at times, especially in the higher levels, where there is a pole the player must precisely land on. The music for the game is okay for the most part, but is very annoying on some levels, most notably the blue background level. The game has good design since the levels provide a fair level of frustration but is still passable as long as the player doesn’t give up and keeps working at it.

As usual, here is a gameplay video:

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