Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 1st post

Super Meat Boy is the game that I've played this week. I came across this game on gamespot and decided to give it a try. My first thoughts on this game are its fun to play and it was easy to pick up (in terms of controls / story). The tutorials in the first few levels teach you all the basics you'll need to know and the story is shown at the beginning of the game and is fairly simple. You are meat boy and you are trying to save your girlfriend bandage girl from Dr. Fetus.

The gameplay is fairly fun as each level has its challenges and boss levels have harder unique challenges for the player. What makes the game a bit more challenging is the fact that meat boy will "slip" and slide off walls, meaning the player has to be quick. Sometimes, walls will break after contact and they are used as obstacles in various levels. What makes this game fun is that most of the time the player has to die many many times before they get the level right (similar to 'I wanna be the guy'). The game has some good sound effects and good background music and really gets the playing going while they're playing.

As for the GDW update this week, unfortunately, assignments as well as midterms have gotten in the way and has prevented me from doing a lot of work for the game this week. I've made the time to finish the pitch assignment, which has a lot of the details / costs for the game. Also, the pgm loader assignment has been completed, which is most likely going to be of some use in the near future. For this week I will most likely try to spend more time getting more programming done for the game since milestone 3 is coming up and groups are required to submit prototype code.

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